Who I am praying for while hiking the Camino

I am hiking the Camino de Santiago (Way of St James) starting in just a few days.
This hike is going to have a different component compared to other hikes I have done.
It’s a religious component.  The Way of St James is a pilgrimage.  I will be passing through
several ancient towns a day, and many of these towns have pilgrim masses that I will attend.
I do consider myself a christian, even though I am not the most regular attending church goer.

Since there is a religious component, I have decided to pray for some people.  Some of them
have passed, so I will be praying for their souls, and praying for their loved ones.
Some of these are special people in need of healing, or need safe passage.

Prayers for the deceased and their families

My Brother Craig McMahon

My Brother died at age 36 from a brain tumor. The first photo was taken when my brother
was around 19. You can see the difference in the lower photo that was taken when he was 35.
Craig’s head swelled up because of the brain stem tumor.  And since it was a brain stem tumor,
surgery might not have helped.

Dan “the griz” Wilshire

Dan was a veteran, backpacker and great trail volunteer.  But he smoked.
And that’s what led to his death.  At the end, he came up for one last
Heritage Chapter work weekend.  He was in bad shape that weekend and
had trouble breathing.  He died a few weeks later, but at least he got to be out
on the trail one last time, even though he couldn’t actually do any trail work.
I prefer to remember him standing on a beaver dam with his backpack on.


Chris Schmidt

Back in the 1990s I was Scoutmaster of a Troop in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.
During my tenure, 5 boys became Eagle Scouts.  Chris Schmidt was one of them.
I had not heard anything about Chris for many years, then one day a few years
ago I heard that he died.  I wore my Scout Uniform to his funeral didn’t really
know what happened.  It was kidney failure and one person told me it was caused
by alcohol.


Darlene Strassman

Darlene was a great karaoke audience member. She would come
just to listen to the singers and to cheer them on.  She loved the Packers too.
She had a retirement party, but wound up in the hospital instead.  She had cancer.
She died in just a few months after that.  She didn’t have a very good retirement.
That’s why I am hiking the Camino de Santiago. I want to start off my retirement
with an adventure I will treasure.


My only Great Grand Niece died at age 6.  She went to sleep one night and she never woke up.
She had a brain aneurysm, and nobody even knew there was a problem until it was too late.
It was a couple days of hell until the coroner released the findings. Maybe this would be a case
for having more people scanned more often.  Perhaps in 5 to 10 year increments.  This is every parent’s
nightmare.  I’m just hoping the best for Lucas and Christina


Prayer for Healing

David Dyer

I was shocked recently when I found out that David Dyer is very sick.  He has been
a regular on the Karaoke Scene here in Madison for many years.  He’s a guy
that loves singing and sings very well.  I was told that David has a terminal disease
and who knows how long he has.  So, I am praying for David to be healed.


Prayer for Safe Travels

I pray that Greybeard and his companions safely make it to the salt water of the Mississippi River
Delta.  They are only days away from completing the Journey.  September 8 is the target date.  Then
the trip will be 87 days and Graybeard at age 87 will be the oldest person to paddle the Mississippi River.
So, good luck to Greybeard, Matt Taylor, Dan Faust, Matt Briggs and of course the dog Meadow.

How about some safe travel prayers for me, too.

Below is a photo of me from over two years ago.  I have been working out in the gym or taking
a 5 mile hikeor 10 mile bike hike every day for 2 years. I have lost over 30 pounds. I’m hoping
I can handle the rigors of this hike.

Other Prayers

For my mom, may she be well when I am gone.
For Melina, may her wrist heal.