Getting My Camino Family Back Together

A Webinar on March 25, 1 pm Central Time
If you want to view this webinar, send an email to
We only have a limit amount
of space so contact me soon!!!!!

Hi Everyone
The concept is to get all my friends together from the Camino.  I would introduce each person, then that
person would tell  a short camino story of less than 5 minutes.  I am expecting
to have around 6 to 8 pilgrims participate.   At the end we would hopefully have time
for questions then I would let Win have the closing comments.


Here are the people that have agreed to participate

Stacia, a librarian from Southern California who originally was from Nebraska.
Took a sad photo with her at Alto de la Pedraja where there is a mass burial site.
A super positive lady!


Maddie from Seattle but goes to school at Cal Poly
Taking a semester off to travel. Was up on Alto de Mostelares with me, Jonas and Mie.  Was in the group at the end at Finnesterre


Mie and Jonas from Denmark.
These are two friends from a small town in Denmark. Jonas worked at a Cheese Factory
before hiking the Camino. Everybody thought they were a couple, but they are just friends.
Mie and real her boyfriend are doing a tour of Thailand this winter.

Win from Northern California.
I believe from the Sacramento Area. I believe Win is retired
and I can’t remember what occupation he worked.  Known for flying his kite that everyone signed.


Emily from the Czech Republic
Known as the the gal with the super big backpack.  I sang
“she’s got the biggest pack of them all” to her at the communal dinner
in Granon.  Sent a message to her.  She is interested in participating
The Big Packs song can be seen on her facebook page here:




Other photos













Haven’t heard back from Brodie

Brodie from Australia (haven’t been able to contact him)
I walked into Santiago with Brodie.  Previously, he stayed an extra day
in Leon so he was a day behind me.  I forgot a shirt at an albergue and I asked him
to pick it up for me, figuring he would catch up to me.  He gets the shirt and posts
a photo saying “thanks for the free shirt.” 😉  Eventually he did catch up to me
and I got my shirt back. He is an accountant in Australia.

Francesca from Italy (Unable to attend)
Francesca is a doctor in Italy, but the Italian Goverment has to decide what specialty she will study for.
She had me try Italian Coffee at the San Nicolas Albergue near Itero de la Vega.  That didn’t turn out so well.